Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Today, Joe Straus spoke at the University of Texas at Austin regarding a bill that lets illegal students pay in-state tuition at state schools. Straus thinks that Texas shouldn't repeal the law that put this into effect. He spoke out saying that Texas should stay as "a place of opportunity." He defends the students that fall under this category by making the public and political eye aware that these students are trying to better themselves by getting a higher education. Straus believes that these students could be a pivotal part of our society by boosting our economy and helping pay taxes. There will be more on the interview on the Dallas Morning News on Thursday February 12, 2015. Although I can see Mr. Straus' view on this topic, I have to ask myself, "what are these students supposed to do after college?" They may have a higher education, but they still don't have their citizenship. Until they are able to obtain their U.S. citizenship, how are they going to help our economy and pay taxes if it is illegal to hire illegal immigrants? This is a topic that has ad the spotlight for some time now. I am curious as to see how this all will play out.

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