Wednesday, February 25, 2015

As our legislature in the great state of Texas proceeds with their 2015 session, there are many bills that are presented for them to review. Quite predictable, one of the bills that is getting a lot of attention is the open-carry bill.  The Dallas Morning News issued an editorial titled, “Texas Bills to expand ‘campus carry’ are misguided.” It is clear that the author of this editorial is against the bill. The author argues that campus carry is highly unfavored by both law enforcement and campus administrators. He quotes William McRaven who is UT’s new systems chancellor and strengthens his opinion that open carry would be a catastrophe instead of helping with the safety of faculty and students. I find it interesting how quick the author was to call out State Sen. Brian Birdwell, State Rep. Allen Fletcher, and Gov. Greg Abbott and their support for open carry. It gives me a feeling that he is trying to convince his audience that they are the so-called “bad guys” that want to bring us to our demise. This is a hard editorial to write in my opinion because there isn’t much evidence to back your argument up. The only real evidence there is are the opinions other people have. Therefore, you’re using opinions as evidence for your own opinion. Texas will be the guinea pig with this campus carry law if it is passed. Seeing that Texas is a very conservative state, and a state that likes its guns, I wouldn’t be surprised that this editorial and others like it will be overlooked. While the author does a very good job at providing his claim and evidence to back it up, there aren’t any substantial facts that will catch the readers’ eyes. Both sides have decent arguments on why this bill should or shouldn’t be passed. As a college student, I know that campus is an environment filled with stress. Although I can handle stress well, I can’t say the same for my peers. With that being said, if campus carry is passed, I will definitely be on high alert as I walk around campus. Having your CHL only licenses you on the handling of a firearm and not the handling of your actions under extenuating circumstances.

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