Friday, May 15, 2015

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness- These are 3 inalienable rights that are promised to the citizens of the United States of America. There were no asterisks added in the original document that holds this promise so why should we add them in now? My colleague, Dylan, presents a very true argument about same the sex marriage speculation that is consuming the media today. It has been repeated multiple times that we are a country of diversity, so why is it that we judge people so much for their individual views?

There is no reason that the government should stop a couple from being together just because of their gender. We all have our own individual preferences. We make a commitment to the person we want to marry. It is not a commitment to the state, country, and public. If it was, I doubt anyone would want to get a divorce because instead of splitting things in two, we would have to give a little bit to everyone.

There are more pressing matters that our government should be worried about than who is lined up at the county court requesting a marriage license. We love who we love and there is nothing that can change that. I may not be gay, but I wouldn't want anyone who is to have to live a life where they can't be with the person they love. I hope our legislators and senators come to their senses and leave all of the business and political side of things in the back corner and really focus on their human values. No one's pursuit of happiness should be inhibited. Our founding leaders were able to see that. Why can't our leaders see that now?

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Texas Politics does not cease to amaze me. There is a short, little article about a bill that will legalize marijuana in Texas on the Dallas Morning News' website. We all know that other states have already taken the liberty of legalizing marijuana whether for medicinal use or overall, but the reason that State Rep. David Simpson gave for legalizing it was just appalling. "Marijuana comes from God and therefore shouldn't be banned by government" is Simpson's argument for this bill. Lets just take a step back for a second and try and grasp this.
Now, I am a believer in God without a doubt, but this is the Texas State Government we are talking about. Where does the separation of state and church come into play with this? If saying that marijuana comes from God is a valid statement in the house, then can I commit a crime and say I come from God as well and be let off free of charge? There is no way that this can possibly be an argument that a state legislature will humor. There are scientific studies that give evidence that marijuana can be used as a therapy. There are studies that say alcohol is worse than marijuana. Unless we look directly at the research, we won't be able to tell whether these accusations are true, but they have a more suitable sound than bringing religion into the government.  David Simpson could have gone to a laboratory where they study the effects of THC in the body and made his argument based off of his findings there. I would have never thought that bringing God into the government would allow something like this to pass a committee in such a conservative state like Texas.